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Messages - NextChamp

Pages: [1]
Forum news / Re: Senior poker players busted
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:12:35 PM »
Florida has a "Penny Ante Law" in regards to home games.  I read it awhile ago so don't quote me but I believe it is a $20 per hand maximum pot.  You cannot advertise the game at all.  I looked the law up when I was thinking of starting a
Facebook Group to get home games going in my area.  That would be illegal under the "advertising" aspect of the law.

Old posts / Re: Security Question
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:30:39 PM »
I've phoned, Live chatted, and E-mailed!  LOL ....and I'm STILL not too thrilled about sending that info.  My luck the U.S. government is involved... threatening sites for info and I'll get busted for "illegal online gambling".  I guess that's just paranoia.  For now I'll sit and wait to see if their investigation will conclude without my help.  If not I know plenty other sites.  I guess if they asked for that info when I requested my withdrawals I would be OK with it but right now I have nothing to gain by giving it to them other than being able to play on AP again.

Old posts / Re: Security Question
« on: December 01, 2008, 12:32:51 PM »
FYI This actually is AP.

Old posts / Re: Security Question
« on: November 30, 2008, 11:54:53 PM »
Thanks Cow.  Yes I withdrew money at least three times with one withdrawal being quite substantial.  I may send the info but I'm in no hurry.  I sent the Security dept. an E-mail expressing my concerns and they replied with the following .........

Dear Mr. XXX,

Thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the service that we have provided. We do our best effort to provide you with the best and most secure service to be found in the gaming industry.

Sincerely, we apologize for the inconveniences you have experienced on our site and hope to make amends for the future. Thank you so much for letting us know about your disappointment, we try to improve every day and it is with constructive criticism that we achieve it.

In regards to your account please be advised that has been temporarily suspended  because your account is currently being reviewed by our Investigations Team.

Please understand that such investigations are necessary to protect the integrity of our system and provide the best gaming experience possible.

We will be contacting you as soon as the investigation is complete. We would like to take the time to apologize for this inconvenience and we also thank you for your patience and cooperation.

If there is anything else we can assist you with please let us know.

Sincerely,   XXXX

Old posts / Security Question
« on: November 28, 2008, 08:08:58 PM »
I recently received a (legit) E-mail from a poker room blocking my account because it was under investigation.  They wanted me to fax or E-mail private information to verify my account.  I've played on the site for 3-4 years with no problems.  I was wondering if anyone has ever had such an E-mail requesting private information like that.  As of yet I don't plan on sending it, I will play elsewhere but it was my room of choice.

Members sign-in / Hello All
« on: September 02, 2008, 12:09:17 PM »
Glad to be a part of PFP.  Thanks To Buc for the website.  I'm from Florida and play mostly at AP right now but have many others sites on my computer. Haven't been as active online the last year or so because I've been playing live more so.  I finally got to play in the WSOP this year.  Played in #39, it was quite a thrill.  Didn't do as well as I hoped but made it through 60% of the 2700 entries.  Look forward to playing with everyone.   NextChamp

Name: Ross
Location:Lehigh Acres, Fl.
Years Playing Poker: 4
Favorite Poker Pro:
Favorite Poker Site:AP
Favorite Live Casino:Binions, LV
Favorite Starting Hand:
Favorite Game Type:NLHE
Biggest Win:Tourneys- online- $2400, Live- $2700, Cash/Live - $1700
Other info: Plan to retire by age 50 and turn pro (or at least semi-pro lol)

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