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Topics - Arjonius

Pages: [1]
Poker tips / Looks like a nursery school in here
« on: September 05, 2008, 07:21:26 PM »
with all the cutting and pasting going on.  There's good enough info in many of the articles, but I've seen quite a number of them before, so from my point of view, they're the same as spam. 

Poker tips / Maybe the most valuable tip I ever got
« on: August 31, 2008, 05:45:08 PM »
I was fortunate enough to get this tip quite soon after I started playing online, and following it allowed me to be a winning player right away - and at a win rate measured in dollars per hour, not cents.  It's to learn to play a solid ABC game - and then actually to play it while you work on adding in additional elements and plays.   

Old posts / limit point redemptions for cash in the store
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:45:23 PM »
Maybe only allow one per player per month.  Being able to get money for points is certain to encourage spammy short, nearly meaningless posting, which makes the forum less attractive for someone like me who actually looks for information and opinions that encourage me to think about and thus might help me improve my game.  Frankly, the overall signal to noise ratio in this forum is very disappointing.

Poker / Did the WSOP damage its reputation in this year's $50k HORSE?
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:31:19 PM »
I haven't seen the TV show, but I did read after the event that the winner, Scotty Nguyen, was hammered at the final table, and that his behavior was highly boorish.  Yet the WSOP apparently did nothing.  Was this because it was Scotty Nguyen?  Would they also have done nothing if it had been an unknown doing the same things early in a tournament?  Was doing nothing appropriate at the final table of what's supposedly the WSOP's most prestigious event? 

I'm rather disappointed in the WSOP, and would be interested in seeing other people's opinions.

I did this to myself for a while after I started, and I also see others doing so quite often.  It's kind of a trap that can be easy to fall into because freerolls are safe; the only cost is time. 

Don't get me wrong.  Freerolls are a great way to start a bankroll - when you're a newbie.  But once you improve your game a little, you can expect to make more per hour playing micro-ring and small buyin tournaments.  The improvement in your game doesn't have to be much; just enough so you can consistently win from the ATMs who play at those levels without giving it all back to the relatively few decent players. 

The mental adjustment is definitely more significant; you have to be willing to lose money once in a while in the short term in order to gain more over the longer term.

Old posts / Recognition for the value of members' contributions
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:49:04 PM »
I posted elsewhere in the past about not liking post count, especially when the standard for having one count is low enough that meaningless posts can easily qualify.  As a corollary to that, I'd like to suggest some form of recognition based on the quality  / value of members contributions rather than simple quantity of posts / activity level.  Maybe something like an invitation-only tournament where a maximum of X members receive invitations, with X being a relatively small number, and where fewer can be invited if ther aren't enough deserving members.  I don't care at all if the invitations are done subjectively.  In fact, that's what I'm suggesting. 

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