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Trivia / Re: Free Credits
« on: December 12, 2009, 05:43:15 PM »
OK :)

Politics / Re: OK, you Obama lovers... bring it.
« on: December 04, 2009, 02:42:30 AM »
"Bush and the other leaders lied about WMD to invade a country for OIL."

See this would be one problem, while you are right Clinton did lie under oath and the country should of been much more upset about it then they were, Bush did not lie. See every major intelligence agency in the world said he had some and was trying to acquire more. Saddam himself said that he had them and he said he would use them if we invaded. We did find WMD's in Iraq. We did not find large stockpiles of nukes but they had a large stockpile of yellow Cake uranium as well as chemical weapons. Just ask the soldiers that were injured while trying to disarm one filled with sarin(sp) gas, they would tell you Bush did not lie. We also did not go into Iraq for oil. Oil is the reason that the UN did nothing about Iraq for many years, the UN president's son was making millions of dollars by violating the embargo. If we were going to invade a country for oil we could of used the CIA to take over Venezuela without actually going to war as they were in chaos at the time. Even if Iraq really did not have WMD the difference between Clinton and Bush would be Clinton knew for a fact that he was lying and being dishonest, Bush was going on what the intelligence agencies had told him along with the evidence they supplied. Would you say that teachers and professors lied about things like Brontosauruses that we later found out never existed?

The Earth was smaller back then and less complicated. Our technology has been both a blessing and curse. Because of hard work and our free market we became very prosperous and the generations before who worked hard gave too much to their children. The children grew up spoiled with a sense of entitlement at the same time learning about the poverty in other countries. We have poor here in the United States but they are not really poor compared to the rest of the world. We are generous by nature and that has led us to high taxes and huge government. We keep growing the size of government in the futile quest to help the poor and "less fortunate", making the same mistakes that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. The cold hard truth is that by and far people are poor because they keep doing the things that keep them poor while the rich stay rich because they keep doing the things that make them rich.

I have rambled some through this post and if I get a chance I will clean it up more tomorrow and also provide links to back these things up if anyone wants.
One last thing about Obama:

I really don't like or trust him. His policies and love of government are creating more and more hardships on us and will just make it harder to dig ourselves out. I think that in the long run though it will be better for us as more people will want less government as they see how what he is doing effects us. With that said I have seen how people who support him are reacting negatively toward his sending more troops to Afghanistan and how he has not pulled the troops out of Iraq. I was wondering if anyone has considered that maybe he sees the intelligence reports and now knows the threats that we face there that have not been made public? Maybe after reading the same reports as Bush read and coming to a very similar conclusion that maybe there is something very real to the threats we face?

Politics / Re: OK, you Obama lovers... bring it.
« on: December 03, 2009, 03:20:16 PM »
You do know there is no Constitutional Right to vote?

Politics / Re: OK, you Obama lovers... bring it.
« on: December 03, 2009, 10:12:50 AM »
I don't think the youth vote is that important because they are for the most part uneducated and don't pay taxes. If they were more informed, and I think everyone needs to be regardless of which side they are on, then it would be a good thing. I think there needs to be a test before someone is allowed to vote to make sure they are qualified to do so. I would also support only letting people who own land  or maybe those who actually pay taxes vote. I don't own any land so I would lose my vote but the country would be better off in the long run. It is because of the greed and wealth envy of the masses coupled with the class warfare rhetoric of career politicians that has gotten us to this point. Until voters fully understand why our system of government has worked so well for so many years and what it truly means to be free and why this is so important, we will continue slide backwards.

Politics / Re: OK, you Obama lovers... bring it.
« on: December 03, 2009, 12:40:38 AM »
 I was not trying to take credit for it. It is from an email that was forwarded around so if by some chance the author sends an e-mail by all means give them the credit, I don't understand how that makes it any more or less worth answering. Enjoy your new mayor and all the high taxes that he will bring! :)

Politics / OK, you Obama lovers... bring it.
« on: December 02, 2009, 09:17:05 PM »

If George W.  Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter
installed to be  able to get through a press conference, would you have
laughed and said  this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is
really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If  George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of  dollars to take Laura
Bush to a play in NYC, would you have  approved?

If  George W. Bush had reduced your retirement  plan's holdings of GM stock
by  90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have

If  George W.  Bush had made a joke at the expense  of the  Special
Olympics, would you have  approved?

If  George W. Bush had given Gordon  Brown a set of inexpensive and
incorrectly formatted DVDs, when  Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful
and  historically significant gift, would you  have approved?

If  George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an  iPod containing videos
of  his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic
and  tacky?

If  George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi  Arabia , would you  have

If  George W. Bush had visited Austria  and made  reference to the
non-existent "Austrian language," would you   have brushed it off as a minor

If  George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle  of advisers  with
people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes,  would you
have approved?

If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as  to  refer to "Cinco de
Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador when it   was the 5th of May
(Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he   tried again, would you
have winced in  embarrassment?

If George W.  Bush had mis-spelled the word "advice" would you have hammered
him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoe as proof of what a dunce he

If George W.  Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel  to go plant a
single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?

If George W.  Bush's administration had okayed Air  Force One flying low
over millions of  people followed  by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan
causing widespread  panic, would you have wondered whether  they actually
get what happened  on 9-11?

If George W.  Bush had failed to send relief aid to  flood victims
throughout  the Midwest with more people killed or  made homeless than in
New Orleans ,  would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue
with claims of  racism and  incompetence?
If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to
him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America,
would you have approved.

If  George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO  of a  major
corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority  to  do so,
would you have  approved?

If  George W Bush  had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken
more than  two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you  have

If  George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10
years, would you have approved?

So, tell  me again, what is it about Obama that makes  him so brilliant and
impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't  worry. He's done all  this in 5
months -- so you'll have three years  and seven months  to come up with an

Politics / Re: Barack Obama
« on: December 01, 2009, 09:30:11 PM »
So I am sitting here playing poker and listening to Obama read his speech on Afghanistan and it amazes me how clueless he is.

Hey Cow do you still think he can do no worst then the last President?

Off Topic / Re: PuzzleKat
« on: November 21, 2009, 07:34:58 PM »
lol hopefully that is the case.

Off Topic / PuzzleKat
« on: November 21, 2009, 03:32:31 PM »
Anyone know what happened to her or did I miss something?

Politics / Re: rich vs poor
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:57:58 AM »
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that justifies it."

Frederic Bastiat

I really like this quote and it seems fitting here.

Politics / Re: What in the world is going on here...
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:21:22 AM »
This is horrible, we need even more government immediately!     ;D

Politics / Re: Barack Obama
« on: November 15, 2009, 12:08:20 PM »
So it has been a year, everyone still feel the same?

Politics / Re: rich vs poor
« on: November 15, 2009, 11:54:59 AM »
Ignorance is bliss huh?   

I love your plan about finding gold. After you spend the money on buying a medal detector, put in the time and effort to find the gold, spend money to secure the rights to the gold, spend more money on equipment and hiring people to mine the gold, then setting up a way to sell the gold, would in the be ok for me since I have no gold to use the police power of government (guns) to take what you have? After all the only reason you got rich was because you were lucky. It had nothing to do with the effort you put in to it. It isn't fair that you got lucky and I didn't. It is people like you and your attitude, the looters, that are destroying this country more so then anyone

Our event results / Pitbull Poker 12-6
« on: December 06, 2008, 09:25:19 PM »

good game y'all

Politics / Re: George Bush A good President
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:13:50 PM »
Great post full of fact, logic, and tremendous insight. You must be a political science major from some big university.

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